I chose Heidelberg because I loved the welcoming environment, the thorough understanding of struggle with the means of help, the atmosphere of encouragement, and the culmination of different perspectives.
I majored in Theatre Acting and History because I always wanted to study and further my knowledge in both areas. I wanted to explore the side of myself that loved human history and the theatrical arts.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was the schedule of being a double major and I handled it by organization and time management. I was even able to pick up a minor and be on e-boards for student organizations.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to see be a professional in a professional setting.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Berg Allies, Berg Body Positivity Association, Kappa Psi Omega, Euglossian Society Corollary the “Euglos”, Sigma Tau Nu Corollary the “Sig Hons”, Alpha Psi Omega, College Democrats, Student Senate, Make-A-Scene Improv Comedy Troupe, Residence Assistant and Heimonics A Capella Singers.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Berg Body Positivity Association because I got to found the group with my friend Lo Jackson ‘20 and my partner Leo Swain ‘22. And since we’re all from different Greek groups, we got to boost Greek unity!
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Courtney DeMayo Pugno because she showed me there was more than one way to be an empowered woman and how much I can do with my degree.
My advice to new freshmen would be to value these four years, they go by so much faster than you could ever anticipate. Go to events, use the library, invite your friends to coffee and don’t be afraid to spend all of your Berg Bucks; smile at the person next to you; they might end up being your best friend.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is being a part of my sorority Kappa Psi Omega and spending time with my boyfriend Leo.
My plans after graduation are to pursue my MBA here at Heidelberg.